
June 20th - 21th, 2025 - The Westin Book Cadillac

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Samantha Teal

Samantha Teal is the Founder of SMT Litigation Consulting, a firm that specializes in offering expert advice and services related to litigation, specifically trial litigation. The company provides support in areas such as case strategy, witness preparation, discovery matters, expert matters, voir dire, jury selection, and trial strategy.

As the Founder of SMT Litigation Consulting, Samantha has years of experience in litigation consulting and has a proven track record of delivering favorable outcomes for clients across various industries and states. It is her goal to work to enhance her client’s effectiveness in and out of the courtroom, by assisting in achieving winning results in high stake matters.

Since starting the company, Samantha has assisted in achieving over 30,000,000.00 + in results in and outside of the courtroom. She is passionate about helping others achieve success, while also teaching and assisting in the art of all things trial.

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